SESORE Goes to Campus Batch Universitas Tanjungpura

SESORE Goes to Campus is a form of academic movement initiated by the Indonesian Tropical Nature Institute (LATIN) which is a strategic step to invite universities in Indonesia to work together to bring the important message of Social Forestry (SF) into Indonesian education.

LATIN collaborates with Tanjungpura University, Mataram University and Singapore University of Social Sciences (SUSS) in the SESORE Goes to Campus series. Two universities in Indonesia will host the implementation and LATIN will be the host for SUSS. The main target of this activity is university students from various strata and multidisciplinary sciences to enrich ideas and collective learning for the future of Social Forestry. Apart from introducing LATIN to the academic world, this activity can also open up space for collaboration with universities to work together in developing knowledge management systems in Social Forestry. It is also possible that this collaboration will open up new opportunities to conduct joint research related to Social Forestry management in Indonesia.

SESORE Goes to Campus is an infiltration activity for campuses/universities to play an important role, contribute to conversations about Social Forestry, create new innovative innovations and encourage students to contribute thoughts, ideas and innovations for the management of Social Forestry in Indonesia. The expected outcomes of this activity include conveying strategic Social Forestry issues to university youth and creating an inclusive discussion discussing Social Forestry management in Indonesia.

SESORE Goes to Campus carries several themes and materials where Social Forestry will be the center of point in its implementation. This activity will present several speakers and presenters who are experts in their fields. In general, the SESORE Goes To Campus series activities are carried out for three days and are carried out serially. At the end of the series of activities, participants will form groups and create ideas in the form of innovations for the future of Social Forestry.

SESORE Goes to Campus Batch at Tanjungpura University, West Kalimantan will be open to multidisciplinary scientific students at Bachelor Degree (S1) at Tanjungpura University from semester 3 to semester 7. Some information on the SESORE Goes to Campus timeline is as follows:

1. Participant registration: 16-24 October 2023.
2. Participant selection: 25-30 October 2023
3. Announcement of participants: 30 October 2023
4. Implementation of Activities: 9-11 November 2023

In the SESORE Goes to Campus series, some of the material that will be presented to participants includes:

1. Basic concepts of Social Forestry
2. History of Social Forestry policy and development in Indonesia
3. Gender equality and the role of youth in Social Forestry
4. Forestry Social Problems and Challenges
5. Design Thinking (4D appreciative inquiry)

SApart from these materials, learning results from SESORE Batch 4 will also be presented and the results of LATIN research and studies related to gender and the role of mentoring in Social Forestry will also be presented. This series of activities will present SF actors/facilitators who are active in the West Kalimantan region to share their insights and experiences in the field of Social Forestry. The SESORE Goes to Campus activity ended with a Forestry Social Products Exhibition. Do not miss!!

Registration can be accessed via the following form:
Registrasi SESORE Goes To Campus

1. Full Name
2. Greeting name
3. Student Identification Number (NIM)
4. Faculty
5. Age
6. Gender (Male and Female dropdown)
7. Email is active
8. Active WhatsApp Number
9. Domicile/address
10. Semester (dropdown from semester 3 to semester 7)
11. Upload Scan of Student Identity Card (KTM)
12. Upload Curriculum Vitae (CV) File
13. Upload Motivation Letter File (word, pdf)