Forestry Social School Batch 4

Forestry Social School Batch 4
24-30 October 2023

OctoberSesore Batch 4 Upgrade is a program that will be initiated by LATIN as a development step for the Social Forestry School batches 1, 2 and 3. Sesore Batch 4 Upgrade will provide knowledge and practical learning to the young people of the next generation of Social Forestry in the future. In the afternoon, batch 4 of this upgrade will focus more on post-permit economic institutional development with Social Forestry business governance activities. In general, the material that will be provided is divided into two, namely basic Social Forestry material, such as policy material and the development of Social Forestry in Indonesia; gender equality and the role of young people in Social Forestry practices and workshop material that focuses on economic institutions and Social Forestry business governance.

In the SESORE Batch 4 learning series, participants will be encouraged to use a development approach at the landscape scale. Learning is no longer carried out partially at one locus, but is focused on an integrated area development model. In its implementation, participants will identify and analyze various aspects needed in developing business institutions such as superior product analysis, market analysis, product feasibility studies, business planning, financial planning, and marketing. At the final session of the meeting, the SESORE participants will present the results of their analysis at the village scale by inviting stakeholders who can contribute input and follow-up to the commodity business planning of the SESORE participants.

The implementation of SESORE Batch 4 is in partnership with the Cipeuteuy Village Government which is the location for field work with the aim that the results of the business planning carried out by SESORE participants can be adopted as policy recommendations in the village.

I. Location Overview

Cipeuteuy Village is one of the villages in Kabandungan District, Sukabumi Regency, which is located directly adjacent to the Mount Halimun Salak National Park Area. Most of the people of Cipeuteuy Village make their living as farmers, therefore the agricultural sector is a vital part for the people of Cipeuteuy Village to fulfill their daily needs and source of livelihood. The people of Cipeuteuy Village make extensive use of natural resources which combine various agricultural commodities, such as horticultural crops, food crops, fruit and woody plants as water absorbers. Cipeuteuy Village is divided into several hamlets, namely Adasar Hamlet, Cipeuteuy Hamlet, Cisarua Hamlet, Leuwi Waluh I Hamlet, Leuwi Waluh II Hamlet, Kampung Sawah Hamlet, and Pandan Arum Hamlet. Most of the land use in Cipeuteuy Village is used as plantations. Apart from being sharecroppers, most people have a side job as sheep farmers. In Cipeuteuy Village there are three Forest Farming Groups (KTH), namely KTH Kopel, KTH Sukamanah, KTH Jaya Berkah. KTH Kopel consists of community members from Sukagalih Village, while KTH Sukamanah and KTH Jaya Berkah consist of community members from Cisarua Village.

II. Activity Objectives
Increase the capacity of participants and are expected to be able to answer post-permit problems such as economic institutions, farmer business governance, including analyzing various potentials and problems that are often found in the field.

III. Participation Fee
Implementation of SESORE Batch 4, each participant will be charged a participation fee of: Rp. 1,000,000.

1. Certificate
2. Training Module
3. SESORE Goes to Field T-shirt
4. Transportation from meeting point to PP location
5. Accommodation and meals while in the field
6. Tumblers and field bags
7. The three best participants receive prizes:
• Best 1 Rp 2.000.000
• Best 2 Rp 1.500.000
• Best 3 Rp 1.000.000

IV. Time and Place of Implementation

V. Registration
Registration can be done by filling in the form in the following